
States prepare to pull the plug on Planned Parenthood

In the wake of the Federal Government’s failure to defund Planned Parenthood, multiple states have stepped up to prevent taxpayer dollars from going to Planned Parenthood. Susan B. Anthony List recently published a state-by-state scorecard listing the states that have denied funding to the nation’s largest abortion provider. See here:

The recent removal of over $60,000,000 in taxpayer dollars will inevitably deal a crippling blow to Planned Parenthood clinics across these states. These new measures don’t just damage the abortion business financially, they also send a message to the American people that Planned Parenthood is not the kind of organization that should be receiving government support. Planned Parenthood knows this all too clearly and has responded with lawsuits and expensive public relations campaigns.

From an economic standpoint, the removal of government subsidies will lead to the downsizing of the abortion business. With less money and tighter budgets, Planned Parenthood will not have the financial resources to operate as many clinics in some states. Faced with the prospect of losing state funding, Planned Parenthood describes apocalyptic-sounding scenarios where “thousands of women” will no longer have access to healthcare. While this claim is bogus, it does highlight Planned Parenthood’s substantial reliance on public funds. Governments are propping up Planned Parenthood—making abortion cheaper and more accessible than it would otherwise be.

The effects of revoking state subsidies are already starting to materialize. Since losing state funding last May, Planned Parenthood of Indiana may have to shut down eight clinics. The same fate assuredly awaits Planned Parenthood of Texas.

Stay tuned.

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