Next Tuesday, October 15, students across America will participate in a day of solidarity to show their respect for life. The “Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity” is an outlet for students to express their pro-life views without using words or engaging in arguments. Pro-life students who will forego speaking on October 15 will also honor with their silence the members of their generation (including anyone born after the legalization of abortion on-demand in America in 1973 with the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade) who were never allowed to be born.
The Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity explains how to participate in the event on their webpage. There are a few simple steps.
First, students are asked to register so that the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity can track how many individuals and schools participate in the event. As of today, there are nearly 600 schools registered to participate. To register, click here and list your name and state. That’s it!
Students can promote the event by helping their friends and classmates to participate and register. Web banners, to promote the event on social media, are available here. The Pro-Life Day encourages students to let their school staff know that they will be participating in the event. Schools are not permitted to infringe on your free speech rights by stopping you from participating or distributing flyers; however, letting teachers know ahead of time will avoid problems. If a teacher is hostile to your participation and requires you to speak in class on October 15, the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity encourages students to go ahead and accommodate the teacher’s request.
Generally, students participating in the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity identify themselves by either wearing a red arm band (made out of any material available to you). Add red duct tape and sharpie the word “LIFE” in black on the tape. Students can also put the duct tape over their mouths, as a more pronounced symbol of their silence. The Pro-Life Day provides a printable PDF which can be copied and distributed to those who ask why you’re being silent or wearing the arm band. Flyers and handouts are available here.
The most important part of the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity is to pray. Use the silence of the day to offer prayer on behalf of the preborn and their mothers as well as anyone else involved in the abortion decision and procedure. To participate in the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity outside of an abortion mill, find the one nearest you at this page.
The Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity’s webpage contains photos, testimonies, and much more information about the event. Visit the page here.