Nearly a month after premiering on KnockTV, “Surrender the Secret” is exposing the lies women are told about abortion, and the truth is reaching viewers across the world. “Surrender the Secret” follows five women on their path to forgive themselves and find healing after abortion. Geoffrey Rogers, president and CEO of KnockTV, says that the support for the online show has been phenomenal, allowing it to reach 50 different countries despite a $0 marketing and advertising budget. The best part is that, according to Rogers, post-abortive women are tuning in and calling for help. He says:
We are getting consistent daily feedback from viewers about the power of the program, with many of them reaching out for help and asking where they can get assistance with what they are dealing with from their own past. It is apparent from the feedback that the show is having a deep impact with many of the viewers. We are pleased to be able to offer them help, directing most to the Surrendering the Secret bible study, the National Helpline for Abortion Recovery and the Option Line.
In Episode 3, the women confront the lies each of them was each told about abortion. The heartbreaking truth is that none of them expected to feel or experience what they actually did when it came to their abortions. Their decisions to abort were fueled by lies that enabled them to go through with the abortion, including:
“It’s just a procedure.”
“It’s just tissue. It’s not alive. It’s just forming. That [the lie] is the only reason we can get through it.”
“The lie [I was told] was that I’d be able to have more children. And it turned out it didn’t happen. It gives me comfort that I will know my child in heaven.”
One of the women, Courtney, was even told that she wasn’t as far along as she really was in her pregnancy, and that her baby had some fetal abnormalities. When she received her medical records a short time ago, she found out the truth: that she was 17 weeks pregnant, and her son was completely healthy. She was and is understandably devastated.
In addition to the lies told to women during their abortions are the truths hidden from the world by the media and pro-abortion groups. The statistics are unbelievable, yet women seeking abortion are never told about them. As said on “Surrender the Secret,” of those who sought post-abortion counseling, 92% of women who have abortions experience emotional deadening, 86% fear others finding out about the abortion, and 86% feel anger or rage after their abortion. Plus, 82% experience feelings of loneliness and isolation, 57% have difficulty maintaining relationships, 53% begin using drugs and alcohol, 56% experience suicidal thoughts, and 28% actually attempt suicide.
Abortion is ruining and killing the women of our world.
In the case of Jennifer Morbelli, who was just killed during a 33-week abortion, we are left to wonder what lies she was told by others and what lies she convinced herself of. Morbelli wanted her baby but was told that her daughter, Madison, had fetal anomalies. Perhaps Morbelli believed, or was convinced, that her daughter’s life would have no meaning, or that her little girl would suffer too much to make her life worth living. Morbelli may have been convinced that she would be able to have other (healthy) children in the future. We can safely assume that Morbelli thought she was safe when she went to the clinic of abortionist LeRoy Carhart to abort her 33-week-old unborn daughter. However, Morbelli is not the first woman to die at Carhart’s hand, and she was anything but safe under his care. Now her family and husband are left without two people whom they very much loved, all because of the lies surrounding abortion.
Uncover and expose the lies by watching “Surrender the Secret,” which now has four episodes available online. Witness the true effects of abortion on women and share the episodes with anyone you think may benefit from learning the truth.