Sydney and Tess Volanski are two amazing young girls who are standing up for the truth–even though it may be unpopular. These teen girls just launched the website “Speak Now: Girl Scouts” to document Girl Scouts USA’s not-so-secret support of Planned Parenthood and abortion. Sydney and Tess were Girl Scouts for 8 years before they discovered this shocking information—but as soon as they did, they refused to continue to support the organization, left their troop, and are telling the nation the truth about Girl Scouts. Watch my interview with them here:
The discernment these girls have shown in immediately ceasing their support of a pro-abortion organization and warning others is inspiring. They are wonderful models of how we all must be open to the truth and willing to act on it. This is the attitude that will help our generation end abortion in America.
I encourage you to spread the word and share Tess and Sydney’s story with your friends: read more about Speak Now Girl Scouts here.