Human Interest

These two young men survived abortions. They still live with the life-altering injuries.

abortions, abortion survivors

While pro-abortion groups like NARAL would like us all to believe that abortion survivors are “imaginary,” the truth is that babies can and do survive abortions. And it happens much more frequently than anyone in the abortion industry cares to admit. In fact, a low estimate from the Centers for Disease Control says that between 2003 and 2014, at least 143 babies died after initially surviving abortions. Nik Hoot and Josiah Presley are two abortion survivors, who not only narrowly escaped death, but live every day with the life-altering injuries that those abortions left.

Nik Hoot

Hoot was born in Russia after what may have been a failed D&E abortion in which the abortionist dismembers a preborn child one limb at a time. As a result, Hoot is missing parts of his legs and fingers. He was placed for adoption at birth and at age one, came the United States after being adopted by Martin and Apryl Hoot.



Hoot’s new family gave him all of the support he needed to adjust to his new life. With prosthetic legs that allowed him to run, he became involved in baseball, basketball, football, and wrestling. He always finds ways to overcome his physical limitations, but learning he was aborted was difficult. His parents say he began asking questions about his physical differences. They tried to be as honest as possible with him, including helping him locate his biological family.

“I gave him what info I was able to find out,” wrote one of his parents on Facebook. “Showed him pictures… he is the very image of the man who planted the seed that created him. (It’s hard to call them mother and father.) His mother was looking forward to talking with him but she never did. I told him he had a sister. ‘Is she in one of those places like I was?’ No. She is with your birth parents. Sometimes the answers are worse than the questions. I will never forget the look on his face.”



Hoot lives every day with the knowledge that his parents tried to kill him, but kept his sister. In addition to those emotional scars, he lives with physical ones from the abortion.

“I knew that I was supposed to be an aborted baby and it failed,” he told News Channel 15. “It makes me angry because I would never want for that to happen to any kid. Anybody can become anything, and getting rid of a kid like that isn’t right to me.”

READ: Two abortion survivors, denied medical care, died in the name of ‘choice’

Josiah Presley

Presley survived a dilation and curettage (D&C) abortion in South Korea when he was just eight weeks old in the womb. The abortion industry claims that at this age, preborn children are nothing more than a ball of cells — but the abortion, which he survived, caused his arm to be disfigured. If he was nothing more than a bunch of tissue, how could he have suffered such an injury?


“A curettage abortion is a type of abortion where the doctor goes into the mother’s womb and basically rips the baby apart and brings them out in pieces, and that’s actually why we think that I’m probably missing an arm today,” he told Fox News. “So, she had the procedure at two months and then at five months realized that I was still alive. That the abortion failed.”

At the age of 13 months, Presley was adopted by a family in Oklahoma, and at the age of 13, learned that his birth parents had attempted to abort him.

“For years I did struggle with my deformity and even contemplated suicided,” he told Live Action News. “As the Lord has worked in my life, He has shown me that my identity is not in my deformity. That my identity is in Him, and He has a purpose and will for my life.”



Today, Presley is thankful to be alive and wants to be a voice for preborn children at risk of being killed through abortion. He appeared in a video called “Listen to the Beat” in which he spoke about the effects of abortion in the U.S. as well as his personal story.

It is difficult to deny the humanity of preborn children when we listen to and look at abortion survivors including Nik and Josiah. If the people who attempted to abort them had only attempted to injure them so they would be born with missing limbs, there would be outrage. Causing someone to be born disabled on purpose would rightfully be seen as cruel.

However, the abortion industry has for so long presented abortion as a good, that while most would agree that purposefully maiming preborn children is wrong, they still believe killing them is somehow justifiable.

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