
United Church of Christ resolution supports killing preborn children as ‘health care’

The United Church of Christ’s General Synod approved a resolution titled, “Denouncing the Dobbs Decision and Proclaiming Abortion as Healthcare” during its recent meeting, which took place June 30 to July 4 in Indianapolis. The resolution passed by an overwhelming majority with a vote of 611 in favor, 24 against, and 13 abstaining.

The text of the resolution is overtly in support of abortion, declaring “the right of all people to access reproductive healthcare including contraception and abortion.” It further states that “forced birth is an act of sexual violence and the choice to have and care for children is a sacred decision which should not be forced upon anyone.”

Despite this claim, the concept of “forced birth” is a completely nonsensical one. The vast majority of pregnancies are a result of consensual sex. Pregnancy is a biological process that naturally results in birth (or a miscarriage occurs). It is impossible to “force” this upon anyone. The only way force comes into play is if the mother undergoes an abortion — which results in the forced death of her child.

The resolution also denounces all laws that protect preborn children in the womb, and it calls for abortion coverage under insurance plans and coverage of abortion costs for those who travel out-of-state for abortion. Rather than advocate for the support of pregnant mothers, the resolution called for churches to “physically, financially and spiritually accompany people seeking and receiving abortions.”

“As sanctuary churches house refugees and immigrants from deportation, so now, too, the United Church of Christ encourages churches to love, support, and exist as a sanctuary for individuals seeking access to safe abortions,” said the Rev. Dakota Roberts.

One member of the committee — who admitted that abortion takes the life of a child —said she “is still in favor of the resolution because just as I would not ask somebody to have an abortion, I wouldn’t want someone telling me that I must.” And yet, overlooked is the fact that studies show a significant number of women feel pressured into abortions by others, or they lack real, tangible support that would help them feel they can choose life. The majority also received no counseling before their abortions and no information about alternatives to abortion.

Despite the UCC’s claim, abortion cannot be health care, because intentionally killing humans is the opposite of health and healing. During an abortion procedure, the preborn child is brutally starved, suctioned, dismembered, or poisoned to death. There is nothing healing in this act, which is in complete violation of God’s commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.”

Standing up for humans who are preparing to be born is not imposing your own beliefs on someone else — it’s advocating for the rights and welfare of the most vulnerable among us.

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