On August 4-6, 2017, the pro-life group Consistent Life is holding its 30th Anniversary Conference. Consistent Life is a pro-life, pro-peace group which takes a “consistent life ethic” stance and is part of the “whole life” movement. The group opposes abortion as well as the death penalty and war.
The conference, “Creating a Holistic Culture of Life: Bridging the Life/Peace Divide,” will focus on “whole life issues.” The Whole Life/Consistent Life Ethic brings together all life issues under one umbrella. Whole Life activists oppose all forms of socially-sanctioned killing. This includes abortion, but also the death penalty, war, and euthanasia.
The conference will be held at Eastern University near Philadelphia on August 4-6. The organizers of the conference hope that participants will be able to network with one another and learn new tools and ideas to bring back to their communities.
Speakers and workshop leaders will include Joyce McCauley-Benner of Feminists for Life, who moderates Feminist for Life’s Pregnancy Resource Forum; Kelsey Hazzard, president of Secular Pro-Life; Rachel MacNair, who is the author of “Finding Peace in the Abortion War”; Sarah Terzo, who writes for Live Action News; and Ron Sider, founder and president of Evangelicals for Social Action, who has written over 30 books.
Workshops and talks include:
- Healing from Abortion, Healing from War
- Building Bridges Among Unlikely Allies
- The Growing Diversity of the Pro-Life Movement
- Sex and Human Trafficking as Life Issues
- Putting Social Justice and Pro-Life Together
- Pacifism, Just War, and Peace
- Telling Stories: A Powerful Tool for Advocacy
- Start Writing and Speaking for Whole Life Issues
- Challenging Throw Away Culture
- Christian and Secular Case for the Consistent Life Ethic
This event will be a place for those who want to discuss a consistent life ethic and a whole life stand to support and encourage one another, as well as learn valuable tools for their own activism. Childcare and financial aid are available.
You can register here for the Consistent Life conference. If you have any questions about the conference, please email Lisa Stiller at koffeenut@yahoo.com.
Editor’s Note: Live Action does not endorse or promote specific pro-life conferences, but seeks to inform Live Action News’ readers about pro-life events they can attend.