The American Life League released an amusing video this week chronicling the “Planned Parenthood rejects” of 2014. The bottom line is that this year, American voters rejected the Planned Parenthood agenda and sided with pro-life values.
Planned Parenthood catalyzed the campaign of failed Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis. If elected, Davis would have undoubtedly been good for PP’s business in Texas, as she demonstrated when she stood for eleven hours trying to filibuster a pro-life bill that the vast majority of Texans backed in 2013. Instead, Texas voters elected the 100% pro-life, Texas Right to Life-endorsed candidate Greg Abbott by a landslide.
In Colorado, voters rejected the Planned Parenthood-backed Senate incumbent Mark Udall. Instead, Coloradans elected Cory Gardner who was backed by Colorado Citizens for Life and called Garnder “100% pro-life.”
On the other end of the country, Mike Michaud’s Planned Parenthood-backed bid for governor of Maine failed when pro-lifers opted for incumbent Paul LePage. In September, LePage responded to a Planned Parenthood attack (via TV ad), saying:
We have more people in Maine dying than being born. If we’re going to sustain the Maine society, we need more people. We need younger people… What I’m against is killing babies as a form of contraception. That’s what I’m against.
In Florida, Planned Parenthood buddy Charlie Crist was handily defeated by pro-lifer, Rick Scott, in the state’s gubernatorial race. Voters there rejected the Planned Parenthood agenda.
Planned Parenthood spent millions of dollars and teemed heavy manpower in its fight to secure Kay Hagan in the US Senate. The North Carolina abortion supporter was outvoted by supporters of pro-life challenger Thom Tillis. The race was the most expensive Senate race in US history, but the stalwart pro-lifers of North Carolina are breathing a sigh of relief.