In January, Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran introduced a bill that she admitted, on camera, would allow a child to be aborted up to the moment of birth, even while the mother was in labor. Her remarks set off a firestorm, coming on the heels of New York’s extreme pro-abortion Reproductive Health Act, which removed virtually all protections for preborn children in the state. The American public — including many doctors — found both pieces of legislation appalling. A co-sponsor of the now-failed Virginia bill withdrew her support during the public backlash, claiming she had no idea that the bill was so extreme.
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam seemed to make the situation even worse, making comments on a radio show that led many to believe that he was endorsing infanticide followed by “comfort care” — essentially allowing abortion survivors to die at the decision of the mother. This is something that pro-lifers like former obstetric nurse Jill Stanek have personally witnessed.
READ: After seemingly endorsing infanticide, Virginia gov makes animal cruelty a felony
However, the media attempted to quickly move on, despite the fact that the pro-abortion extremism in New York and Virginia motivated people to pro-life action as has rarely been seen before (as evidenced by the nearly 7,000 pro-lifers present at Virginia’s first-ever March for Life this week). And just recently, as the issue of Tran’s legislation has come up again, pro-abortion Democrats have dodged and even excused the legislation. The staunchly pro-abortion former VA governor Terry McAuliffe attempted to claim that Tran’s legislation wasn’t about expanding abortion — while the text of the bill appears to show otherwise. He also blamed those on the political right for allegedly taking things out of context, also saying he believed that Tran “misspoke” when she clearly stated the bill wouldn’t prevent a woman from aborting her child even up to delivery.
McAuliffe isn’t the only one attempting to pain Tran’s legislation in a reasonable light. Democrats in the state appear to have doubled down on pushing pro-abortion legislation, learning nothing from Tran’s debacle — and blaming Republicans. Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn stunningly claimed that Virginia Democrats were “blocked” by Republicans when attempting to grant women “equal rights under the Constitution.” But Del. Filler-Corn’s jaw-dropping comments falsely imply that women do not already have equal rights under the Constitution, when they do — equal rights guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.
Then, beginning at 4:02 in the video below, Filler-Corn says, “We fought to expand women’s access to reproductive healthcare, and allow women to make their own medically informed decisions. And not only were we blocked by the Republicans, but they actually turned it into yet another social media sideshow.”
The VA House GOP states on its YouTube account below the video, “During her speech attacking Republicans for attempting to hold a bipartisan hearing into allegations against Democrat Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax, Minority Leader Eileen Filler-Corn makes it clear that she and other Democrats continue to support horrifying legislation that allows abortion up until the moment of birth.”
It sounds as if Filler-Corn believe Republicans are in the wrong for publicizing Tran’s already-recorded comments about her shocking bill allowing abortion even during labor. If this is the case, then those who are pushing for extreme, pro-abortion laws truly have learned nothing, and, according to polling, remain grossly out of step with the American public on abortion.
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