The anniversary of Roe v. Wade is next week, on January 22. And each year, NARAL Pro-Choice America hosts its annual Blog for Choice Day.
Blog for Choice Day gets more people reading and talking about reproductive rights online on one of the most important days surrounding a woman’s right to choose: the anniversary of the historic Roe v. Wade decision, when the Supreme Court ruled that abortion should be legal. Your participation in Blog for Choice Day lets your readers and the mainstream media know that a woman’s right to choose is a core progressive value that must be protected. As you know, reproductive rights were a critical issue in the presidential election. Thanks to you, we helped re-elect pro-choice President Barack Obama and defeated some of the most extreme and outspoken anti-choice candidates. But our opponents aren’t backing down, and we need to be ready for any attempt to take away women’s access to safe, legal abortion and birth control. It’s our personal stories that change hearts and minds about the importance of always protecting a woman’s right to choose. That’s why this year we’re asking you to share your story about why you’re pro-choice.
They’re right: pro-lifers aren’t backing down. And for the third year in a row, we’re responding with the annual Blog for Life Day.
What I’m most curious about is how the people at NARAL can claim to be pro-choice when they so often fight tooth and nail against choices for women. As far as pro-aborts are concerned, there’s only one correct choice, and that’s abortion. They throw hissy fits over things like informed consent. They don’t want parents to have any choice over a medical procedure that their child might be undergoing. They lie about pregnancy and fight to keep women from seeing ultrasounds, because it might convince them that they’re actually carrying a baby, and not a clump of tissue. They insist that all women are required to support abortion. They get angry when pro-lifers are given an outlet to speak. And Lord knows they want things like adoption and resources to help a woman keep her baby — like crisis pregnancy centers — kept quiet.
Thinking about all of that…how on Earth does that describe a “pro-choice” movement? The answer is simple: it doesn’t. Pro-aborts like choice about as much as a fetus enjoys abortion. They don’t want women to have choices. They want them to have only one choice, and that’s abortion. If any woman, anywhere, has an unplanned pregnancy, the pro-aborts want her to do nothing but abort the baby. They will try to silence anyone who could present alternatives, demonize crisis pregnancy centers, keep options like adoption quiet, and fight against any kind of informed consent laws.
These are radical pro-abortion extremists. And it just sounds so much better to say that they’re fighting for “choice” than to say they’re fighting to keep women killing their babies. But that’s exactly what it’s about. Lose abortion, and suddenly, the abortion advocates have lost not just their cash cow, but their ticket to political power and influence.
So just remember: on Blog for Choice Day…it’s not choice they’re fighting for, and it’s not women they care about.