“There are times when after the procedure is done that the heart actually is still beating.” – Dr. Ben Van Handel
The seventh video from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) was enough to make people regret eating breakfast while watching it. So hideous were the details that it almost seemed surreal that they could be talking about modern day America as a former fetal procurement technician described how she was instructed to harvest the brain of a baby born alive in an abortion and cut the baby’s face from the chin on up in order to get the brain out.
According to another fetal procurement company, the killing of children born alive is just business – and they are inadvertently funded by the government both in the facility where the abortion is done and in the lab where the baby becomes a “specimen.”
Descriptions that would have never made the final cut of a science fiction tale have been splattered across the nation much like the blood of the unborn. Abortion advocates have been quick to defend the idea of “tissue donation,” stating that women have given consent for their aborted children to be used in medical research, and besides, it’s a perfectly legal action.
Except when it’s not. Except when the baby is born alive because Planned Parenthood planned it that way to get the right organs. And that’s what the latest video shows, from more than one source.
Primarily, the video focuses on Holly O’Donnell, a former blood and tissue procurement technician for StemExpress, who has been featured in some videos from the group already. In fact, it was after her initial interview that StemExpress sued CMP to prevent further videos from being shown. After losing this court petition last week, StemExpress broke off its partnership with Planned Parenthood, but not in time to avoid O’Donnell’s indictments. CMP leader, David Daleiden said after the lawsuit was filed:
Their leadership admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants. And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.
But StemExpress isn’t alone in its born-alive baby scandal because this video also shows another oft-mentioned fetal procurement company, Novogenix. In the video, Executive Director of Novogenix Laboratories Dr. Ben Van Handel says, “There are times when after the procedure is done that the heart actually is still beating.”
The implications of these statements are troubling enough to make even abortion advocates recoil. Instead of continuing to hear that abortion is the “safe procedure to terminate a pregnancy,” America is now learning that babies are born alive and killed so fetal procurement agencies can get higher quality body parts, such as brains and hearts. Clinical workers use matter-of-fact tones to describe “intact specimens” and “line item” brains and kidneys which boost their budgets.
Beyond the obvious fact here – that born-alive abortion is patently illegal – comes the reality that makes anyone with a heart that was allowed to beat grieve deeply: an innocent child has suffered and been tortured for the sake of science.
As Live Action News previously reported, the absence of a digoxin injection to ensure the baby’s death prior to the abortion means that those intact fetuses are very likely born alive—something confirmed in the seventh video. In the fourth video, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains abortionist Dr. Savita Ginde admitted that up to ten percent of their second-trimester abortions are “born intact.” CMP added:
Since PPRM does not use digoxin or other feticide in its second trimester procedures, any intact deliveries before an abortion are potentially born-alive infants under federal law (1 USC 8).
Digoxin is a feticide that is often injected through the woman’s abdomen into the baby’s heart to kill the child before delivery. Operation Rescue reports that the now-deceased, late-term abortion doctor George Tiller pioneered this method:
The induction abortion with the use of digoxin injection was pioneered by late-term abortionist George R. Tiller of Wichita, Kansas, and is now widely used throughout the United States by the few abortionists who are willing to admit they do the late-term procedures. It has replaced the live partial birth abortion method since the Partial Birth Abortion Ban act was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in April, 2007.
Convicted murderer and late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell was once considered an outlier in the abortion community, a rogue who went beyond the lines and killed babies illegally instead of aborting them legally. Even abortion advocates condemned the doctor’s infanticide. He is now in in prison for his crimes, but his “House of Horrors” legacy clearly lives on at multiple Planned Parenthoods where Novogenix, StemExpress, and other procurement agencies are waiting, coolers in hand, to take still beating hearts and deliver them to callous scientists who thrive on research – no matter the costs to life.
Behind the scenes, however, are babies. Human beings – sliced, sucked, chopped and diced – and as O’Donnell says (and Novogenix confirms), some of them are alive when the process begins. What sort of nation would allow this torture and dismemberment of a living human, outside the womb, to go unpunished? North Korea? Nazi Germany? The answer now is in our own backyard: the United States’ government-funded abortion factory, Planned Parenthood—with lots of help from local sponsors who run highly profitable fetal research companies—who then deliver those chopped up babies to scientists who are also funded by the United States government through the National Institutes of Health’s fetal tissue grant funding allotments.
If ever the cliché about the inmates running the asylum proved true, it is now. But in this asylum, living human beings are removed from the womb in one piece, to be brutally tortured, cut to pieces, and sold to the highest bidder.