Live Action President Lila Rose and Media Director David Schmidt were interviewed on Life Report to discuss the I Stand With Indiana Project. They explain why Indiana is the “ground zero” of the abortion battle right now as well as Planned Parenthood’s reaction to Live Action’s recorded phone calls.
Lila and David then respond to questions from both pro-lifers and pro-choicers, without having seen any of the questions before the interview:
- “If I were a woman in that state and found out I had cervical cancer too late because I couldn’t go to Planned Parenthood, I would sue the crap out of the government, Live Action and every other lobby organization.”
- “Lila is Catholic. A great many Catholic theologians say that Lila should change her tactics, because it is never justified to use evil means (deception) to achieve a good end. What do you think of that debate, and do you consider the lies you tell Planned Parenthood workers to be sinful?”
- “What do you feel will be the greatest positive result for society from the criminalization of abortion that is not ‘less deaths of embryos & fetuses’?”
- “Will Live Action continue to target Planned Parenthood or do you ever plan on infiltrating independent clinics?”
- “Why don’t you do something more valuable with your time involving unwanted children that are already here?”
- “What gives you the right to dictate other women’s choices?”
ACTION: Watch and share this exclusive interview, and sign the petition at
Josh Brahm is the Director of Education at Right to Life of Central California’s Fresno/Madera office, and host of “Life Report: Pro-Life Talk | Real World Answers.” Get more of Josh’s unique perspectives on pro-life topics at