Former Planned Parenthood facility worker Catherine Anthony Adair went public with her story of working at an abortion mill. In an interview with Live Action News in July, 2014, Adair admitted that Planned Parenthood routinely lies to abortion patients about the development of their preborn babies. Adair shared about sorting through baby body parts and seeing perfectly formed hands and feet of aborted babies in the second trimester. Her testimony is extremely powerful.
The baby was dismembered during the process. The nurse would account for the baby parts and put it into a baggy, which I then put in a box with the other aborted babies. We then had to count them at the end of the day to ensure we had all of them to go to the lab.
When I saw a second trimester abortion, I saw dismembered arms and legs, with perfect feet and hands.
I ran across an article that explains why Adair came forward with her testimony many years after leaving the clinic. She credits Live Action’s investigation into child sex-trafficking with inspiring her to break her silence.
Adair told the National Catholic Register:
I was present when young girls came in with their abusers and Planned Parenthood performed their abortions. When Live Action came out with their videos, I felt vindicated. I knew it to be true, and they showed it to be true. That allowed me, for the first time, to tell others what I had experienced.
Adair’s statement affirms what Live Action’s undercover investigations reveal. Many abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood, have helped pimps procure abortions for their underage trafficking victims, allowing the pimps to continue victimizing the girls they “employ.”
Live Action’s investigation did more than just expose Planned Parenthood’s dirty secrets; it inspired a clinic worker to come forward with her story and give powerful testimony in support of the pro-life cause. We can hope that Live Action investigations will continue to inspire former abortion facility workers to tell their stories, and that these investigations will encourage current workers to leave the abortion industry.