House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, known for her extreme support of abortion, has made a very odd case for abortion today, referring to the issue as “sacred ground.” At a press conference today, Pelosi condemned the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Act, a bill that would ban many abortions after 20 weeks, when unborn children can feel pain. Pelosi took to lying and the use of somewhat exotic language in her remarks.
The Washington Post reports that the bill passed committee on Wednesday by a rather wide margin (20-12) and should be up for a full House vote soon. Congressman Trent Franks – the sponsor of the bill – explained why the bill should be supported:
Knowingly subjecting our innocent unborn children to dismemberment in the womb, particularly when they have developed to the point that they can feel excruciating pain every terrible moment leading up to their undeserved deaths, belies everything America was called to be. … This is not who we are.
Despite the fact that the majority of Americans (and even a notable 47% of pro-choicers) support banning abortion when an unborn child can feel pain, Pelosi once again took an extreme stand. The Weekly Standard reports that Pelosi refused to answer a basic question on abortion:
Asked what the moral difference is between what Dr. Kermit Gosnell did to babies born alive and aborting those same infants moments before birth, Pelosi refused to answer.
‘As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this,’ Pelosi said. ‘I don’t think it should have anything to do with politics.’
“Practicing and respectful Catholic”? When used to describe Nancy Pelosi, this is exotic language indeed. Practicing Catholics know that their church takes a very strong stand against abortion, and yet Pelosi continually goes out of her way to support it. Refusing to support a late-term abortion ban where unborn children feel pain is anything but respectful of human life or Pelosi’s claimed faith.
The phrase “sacred ground,” used by Pelosi in this context, would be laughable if not so utterly ridiculous. In the same sentence where she claims to honor a faith that prohibits abortion, she claims that the abortion issue is “sacred ground” – and not because she opposes it, but quite the opposite. Instead, Pelosi supports horrific abortions, seemingly with all that is within her.
If the “sacred ground” of abortion should have nothing to do with politics, why does Pelosi vote to keep it legal? Why doesn’t she stop talking about it? Why doesn’t she stop supporting abortion so openly? She is, after all, a political official.
In addition to her odd characterization of abortion, Pelosi out-and-out lied at the press conference. She claimed that the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Act would ban all abortions. (In addition to the obvious fact that the bill applies only after 20 weeks, it also has an exception for the life and health, “not including psychological or emotional conditions,” of the mother.) Pelosi claimed:
They would make it a federal law that there would be no abortion in our country.
Pelosi even has the nerve to place those who support the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Act on the same level as Kermit Gosnell. She called the actions of both “reprehensible.”
Let me just tell you this. What was done in Philadelphia was reprehensible and everybody condemned it. For them to decide to disrespect a judgment a woman makes about her reproductive health is reprehensible. Next question.
Watch the video for yourself. It’s pretty obvious that Nancy Pelosi has no sane – or honest – way of explaining her out-of-touch, extreme viewpoint. (Turn your volume up loud…it’s somewhat difficult to hear.)