Dear Mr. President,
As star of The Apprentice, you said two words again and again: “You’re fired.” Now that you’re in the White House, there’s an outfit that really needs to hear them.
Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion chain, performing over 300,000 of them annually. Most are in the first trimester, but the group has 18 facilities that do them after 20 weeks–the point when Dr. Kanwaljeet Anand’s research shows a baby can feel pain.
Among those performing them is Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola. In 2015, Dr. Nucatola was caught describing how she can abort a child and still save his or her organs for harvest:
We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.
But while Planned Parenthood performs a lot of abortions, it’s not too worried about who’s getting them. That was good news for Timothy Smith: he brought his 13-year-old stepdaughter to Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains after getting her pregnant. Although Colorado’s Office of Children, Youth, & Families advises concern when a “child becomes pregnant or contracts a venereal disease, particularly if under age 14,” Planned Parenthood staffers had other ideas: one later admitted that “being thirteen and pregnant alone is not a red flag” there.
Planned Parenthood also gave Edgar Ramirez a hand when it performed two abortions on his 13-year-old daughter in less than six months. Rather than call the police, staff set her up with an IUD.
Gary Cross turned to Planned Parenthood when his victim’s mother noticed her 13-year old-daughter was gaining weight. Instead of getting rescued, she got referred for an abortion at 20 weeks:
Likewise, John Blanks, Jr., Luis Gonzalez-Jose, Andrew King, John Haller, Adam Gault, and Grey David Woods were able to keep abusing their victims thanks to Planned Parenthood; investigations by Live Action suggests they weren’t alone.
When Live Action founder Lila Rose told a Planned Parenthood counselor that she was 14 and pregnant by a 31-year-old man, the woman instructed Rose to lie about the man’s age when seeking an abortion. Visits to other centers yielded similar results.
And when two Live Action investigators visited a Planned Parenthood facility while posing as pimps, the director offered to arrange abortions on child prostitutes who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.” “If they’re 14 and under,” she explained, “just send them right there if they need an abortion, OK?”
That and other videos created an outcry, and in response, Planned Parenthood claimed its staff would be re-trained to protect trafficking victims. But as this former clinic director explains, the real focus of that “re-training” was on not getting caught:
Every year, Planned Parenthood takes over half a billion dollars from American taxpayers. As you can see, Mr. President, they don’t deserve it. There are some places that do, though.
Across the country, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) and community health centers (CHC’s) provide needed care to those with limited means. With far more locations than Planned Parenthood, they offer greater accessibility. They also offer a greater range of services, performing over 500,000 thousand mammograms a year. Planned Parenthood? Zero.
Please ask Congress for a bill transferring funding from Planned Parenthood to FQHCs and CHC’s. Because whether it’s for crushing children or helping their rapists, Planned Parenthood needs to hear two words:
“You’re fired.”